Você está aqui: INPE / Divis?o de Astrofísica / ?SPARC4 /


Publicado Por: INPE
última Modifica??o: Fev 19, 2020 15h52


The Astrophysics Division of INPE is building an optical astronomical instrument as a demand of its scientific research. SPARC4 - Simultaneous Polarimeter and Rapid Camera in Four bands - combines in one instrument: (i) simultaneous imaging in four broadbands; (ii) photometric and polarimetric modes; (iii) sub-second time-resolution in photometric mode and excellent time resolution in polarimetric mode. This combination will make SPARC4 a unique facility for ground-based optical observatories. It will be installed at the 1.6-m telescope of Observatório do Pico do Dias/LNA, in Brazil.

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